Ramón María Calduch


Bachelor of Economic and Business Sciences.
Central University of Barcelona (1977- 1982)

Master in European Community law.
Catalan Board Pro Europe and Diplomatic School of Foreign Ministry (1993).

Master of Advanced Expert in Prevention of labour risks.
Complutense University of Madrid (1998).

Master in Anthropology of the Medicine.
University Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona (1999-2000)

Teaching and Research
University Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona (2001- 2003)

Diploma of advanced studies on research.
University Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona (2003)

Honoris Causa PhD in Economics.

Bachelor of Law.
Open University of Catalonia (2005)

PhD in Law.
Abat Oliba University (2017)


President of the European Foundation of Traditional Complementary and Integrative Medicine (FEMTCI) - Spain

Vice-president of Pan European Federation of TCM Societies (PEFOTS)

President of the European Chamber of Commerce for TCM (ECCTCM)

Chairperson of the Supervision Board of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)

Executive Council Member of the Committee of Examination and Evaluation of WFCMS

Vice Chairperson of the Educational Instruction Committee of World Federation of WFCMS

Vice Chairman of Instruction Committee of Compilation and Translation of Textbooks for World Core Courses of Chinese Medicine Specialty (WFCMS-EIC)

Vicepresident of the Specialty Committee of Translation of WFCMS

Vicepresident of the Specialty Committee of Standardization of WFCMS

Vicepresident of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies (WFAS)

President of the Working Committee for promoting the regulation of Chinese Medicine of WFCMS

Vicepresident of the Foundation of Natural Therapies

Vicepresident of Cátedra China

Head of Delegation ISO/TC249

Ambassador of the Friendship of the Silk Road

International Relations Spokesperson of the Pro Law Platform Traditional Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM)


Founder of the first TCM Clinics and High Schools oficially recognized in Spain

Editor of the Journal of TCM (Spanish Edition)

Promoter of the legalization of TCM studies in the Spanish Parliament

Organizer of several International Congress of TCM

Research of the situation of TCM in Spain- University Rovira I Virgili of Tarragona

Speaker at numerous international conferences of TCM

Ejecutive Editor in Chief of the International Standard Chinese-Spanish of Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine


Awarded by the WFCMS with the Third Session of International Prize for Contribution to TCM (11st November 2009, Guangzhou, P.R.China)

Doctor Honoris Causa in business management
The Constantinian University (2005)